Coach Amsterdam Swie Coacht Lifestyle Coach
Who you really want to be
Life is...
You go on holiday every year, you’ve got your work, your family, and your friends. Maybe even a fantastic family. You are satisfied and ambitious. But somewhere you might still have doubts. Isn’t it possible to get more out of your life?
Then why so?
little energy?
Although you seem to have everything well organized, you can still feel restless. It is sometimes too busy, you do not get to do the things you really want. You have to do so many things in so little time and you feel your energy just decreases every day.

I also coach in English, if you are interested go to the English version of my website.
Are you unable to make time for yourself?
Do you ever have the feeling that you are not in control of your own life?
Are you a perfectionist?
Do you have family problems?
Do you have doubts about the course of your career?
Do you generally think you want togrow further as a person?
Ready for the next step?

Nice to meet you
Swie Oei

Hi, I’m Swie Oei. I am an entrepreneur, a mother, a wife, a friend and a coach. I coach people (like you?) With the goal that they are and stay happy and dare to be who they want to be.
That sounds much easier than it is. Want to read more about me and my coaching method?

Swie Oei
schedule an appointment
You want to know where the restlessness comes from
You want to learn more about yourself
You want to work on yourself
You want to create more awareness (about yourself and your issues)